
This blog was designed for the purpose of helping any students interested in taking the AP Enlish Literature exam or anyone else. This blog contains mainly assignments that were given to me in my english class. They can serve as study tools and as examples of what AP classes do. The material is easy to understand and I can always help with any questions. Contact me through email at tatiana161@live.com or through this blog if you have any questions. Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Practice Questions on "A Tale of Two Cities"

1.       Why were the drivers of the mail coach afraid to stop and receive the message?

·         They fear that it is a highway robber.

2.       What do the three men in the wine shop call one another as a code name?

·         The Jacques.

3.       What did all of the people do when the wine cartoon fell and broke?

·         They all went and drank from it, the woman used handkerchiefs to soak it up and feed their babies and the man used their hands to drink it.

4.       What object does Doctor Manette keep to escape “in spirit” during his time in jail?

·         A Lock of his wife’s hair.

5.       What skill did Doctor Manette develop during his time in jail to pass time.

·         Shoemaking

6.       What does the broken wine cask in France represent?

·         The bloodshed of the French Revolution.

7.       What was Darnay being tried for in court?

·         For being a spy and informing the enemy of the plans they had to attack.

8.       Which character does Dickens compare a jackal to?

·         Sydney Carton

9.       What does Carton do after Darnay leaves?

·         He curses his own imagine in the mirror.

10.   What does Carton claim about his life?

·         That he has no choice but to live in “rust and repose.”

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