
This blog was designed for the purpose of helping any students interested in taking the AP Enlish Literature exam or anyone else. This blog contains mainly assignments that were given to me in my english class. They can serve as study tools and as examples of what AP classes do. The material is easy to understand and I can always help with any questions. Contact me through email at tatiana161@live.com or through this blog if you have any questions. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Socratic Seminar on Learning Notes

Notes on Video:
·         Every effort that wants to be made in the world starts with asking questions
·         How can we all sit together and discuss all of the questions that we have
·         There’s a table of free voices where they all gather and answer chosen question together
·         Their idea sounds like something we are capable of doing in our own class
·         All of the answers were available on the internet and could be used by anyone
Notes on article:
·         Imaginative play is better for our society it helps with emotional and cognitive development
·         kids and animals who don’t play become anxious and socially maladjusted
·         Stuart Brown discovered that murderers didn’t play as kids and came from abusive homes
·         Many of Browns studies and interviews prove that “free-play” Is necessary
·         Children do not play when they are undernourished or in stressful situations
·         People become socially competent  by playing and learning naturally kit cannot be taught
·         Children use more sophisticated language when playing with other children than when playing with adults
·         Children who attend play-oriented preschools are more likely to be social and get in less trouble than those who attended instruction oriented preschools
·         A study was done where young kids who were anxious were split half played with toys and half listened to a story the ones who played alone became less anxious than those who listened to the story
·         A study done with rats suggest that playing releases anxiety
·         Plat relieves stress, develops social skills, and makes kids stronger
·         Play comes very naturally to the rain and it is in the stem of the brain which means that is has been around since the beginning of time
·         Play also helps in figuring how to solve random situations in the future
·         “Curiosity, imagination and creativity are like muscles: if you don’t use them, you lose them.” –Elkind
EE Cummings poem comparison:
·         The princess is the person who likes the poem
·         The poems are the “ignorant servants”
·         Saying that some of his own poems are ignorant and possibly not clearly thought out
Zen Coan:
·         Playing with a question creates a learning experience because it allows the brain to process everything and eliminate ideas. It makes the brain think outside the box and really think about what the question is as well as the answer. It also makes the person over think many things which might lead to a new question or even a new idea.

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