
This blog was designed for the purpose of helping any students interested in taking the AP Enlish Literature exam or anyone else. This blog contains mainly assignments that were given to me in my english class. They can serve as study tools and as examples of what AP classes do. The material is easy to understand and I can always help with any questions. Contact me through email at tatiana161@live.com or through this blog if you have any questions. Enjoy!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Big Question Abstract

Teen pregnancy has become more common as society has grown. I grew up in a small community and I saw how common this was, one of the things that I noticed was that most young teenage parents came from young teenage parents themselves. The research that I found showed that 22% of daughters from teenage mothers are more likely to become mothers. In the US 750,000-850,000 woman age 15-19 become pregnant.  Some of the factors that contribute to this are poverty, drugs, alcohol, and rape.  This type of environment is more likely to come from a home provided by teenage parents. That is why that cycle tends to take a while to end since the environment continues to remain the same.


  1. This is a great abstract that gives a well-rounded introduction to your research paper!

  2. Great abstract, but I suggest you don't include first person poin-of-view so that it sounds more professional.

  3. This was a really good and informative abstract, it was well done and shows that you have done a good job researching the topic.

  4. This abstract is great, it has all the information needed to introduce your research paper but I do agree with Lupita.

  5. Good work and feedback so far! It looks like you're approaching a conclusion already, so I'm wondering what exactly your research question is. Are you wondering how to break the cycle of teenage pregnancy, or how to cope with it, or something else? Once you make that decision you can think about how you'll approach the research and organize the paper.
