
This blog was designed for the purpose of helping any students interested in taking the AP Enlish Literature exam or anyone else. This blog contains mainly assignments that were given to me in my english class. They can serve as study tools and as examples of what AP classes do. The material is easy to understand and I can always help with any questions. Contact me through email at tatiana161@live.com or through this blog if you have any questions. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

"Who was Shakespeare"

Shakespeare is a man who little is actually known of. Many agree that he was a landowner, a merchant, a glove maker, and a man on a political track. He was well educated by teachers that held Oxford degrees. At the young age of eighteen he married Anne Hathaway and had two children with her. He moved to London with his family and there became a well known actor, poet and play righter. Queen Elizabeth and King James became his sponsors and supported his plays for many years. He was well known for writing great literature pieces that came to inspire a great deal of people. Many tend to question if he was a real person at all, if he ever existed and this is something I wonder myself. When I was younger I would hear Shakespeare’s name and I would immediately think that he was the “guy who wrote hard to understand books.” As I grew older and began to read his literature I learned that it was not hard to understand it was just a unique style that I had to adjust to. He shares many great ideas that are not stated directly and that we have to dig out of it. The only thing that still makes me struggle a bit is the complicated language but what tends to help me, which I heard from a television show, is to think of his language in my own language. For example if I understand the rap language to translate it into a rap form and that makes it easier to understand. Though we are completely unsure if Shakespeare was a real person there was still a great man/woman out there who wrote these literature pieces and that can not be denied.

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